
my seventeenth birthday!

Well, I've officially crossed over into old age.


Everyone thinks sixteen is the exciting year, but personally, I think seventeen is much more exciting. Of course I loved my fancy sweet sixteen party, but the heavily introverted side of me really enjoyed doing little special things with close friends and family for my seventeenth.

My birthday landed on Ash Wednesday this year, which was a bummer, but it also meant I had the week off of school, so I didn't have to do any homework.

I got to pick out some flowers at the store: yellow roses. They are my faaaaaaavorite. I ordered myself a set of jamberries so I could give myself a manicure. It was fun, but the darn things are really difficult (when you're impatient like me) to do right! My birthday present this year was rather simple: Duck eggs. Sounds weird, eh? Well, with any luck, by mid March, I'll have a couple of these cuties!

I chose fettuccine alfredo for my birthday dinner. Needless to say it was delish. Instead of a traditional cake, I made individual chocolate lava cakes for us all to devour. We also went to evening Mass which was awesome.

I had a great day. Honestly, seventeen feels really good. Sixteen was a year filled with lots of ups and lots of downs. I'm excited to be an "adult" without any of the bills or responsibilities, haha. 

Here's to the big one-seven!


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