
18 things i've learned in 18 years

today i turn 18! in honor of my 18th year, i want to share 18 bits of wisdom i've acquired over the past 18 years. i don't always apply these to my life, but that's the cool thing--every day is a fresh start :)

kindness is free 
it takes way more energy to be mean than it does to smile, give a compliment, or simply not say anything. in the end, both parties leave happy--instead of feeling gross and mucky. it's the little things

seek to understand, not to be understood
did you listen to them, or did you simply just hear them?

time is precious 
i've spent so much time doing focusing on the wrong things, or worse--doing nothing. time is very valuable; it's one of the few things in life that you will never get back. use it wisely. however, don't rush it. which leads us to...

moderation is key
i can't think of much that is totally wrong and evil--most things in life are okay, so long as moderation is exercised. finding balance is essential

there is strength in vulnerability 
the world we live in today seems to have a very flat, very incorrect definition of strength. not being afraid to admit you're imperfect, owning your soft side, letting yourself be sad or hurt, and therefore human...those take incredible strength. don't let people roughen up your edges.

change is okay
part of being human is evolving and changing. life is a journey, and if you stay the same throughout, you're doing something wrong. fighting change is fighting human nature. let it be.

honesty is (usually) the best policy
if you do something wrong, own up to it. if you have an opinion, state it. this doesn't mean you can be loud about it--grace is key. but don't just sit in the corner like a mouse either.

don't take their word for it
take your life into your own hands and educate yourself. do your own research, have your own opinions. don't let people just tell you what something is. just make sure to honestly hear them out when they express their side of the topic.

seek to serve rather than be served
the secret to a happy, healthy, fulfilling life is to serve others. give your heart--all of it. share your struggles with people. help them with their own struggles.

don't assume--EVER.
it makes an ass our of you and me--plain and simple.

kidding--you actually live twice. the first is for as long as God wills, the second is forever. Act accordingly.

it's okay to ask for help
one of the greatest things about community is the support it provides. you don't have to do everything by yourself--let people help you.

beauty is more than skin deep
it's also incredibly subjective. you're beautiful. don't sweat it.

fake it till you make it
confidence goes a long way--if you don't have any, then just pretend you do, and poof! you have confidence. See how that works? ;)

it's okay to put yourself first sometimes
i know i literally *just* said to serve instead of be served, and i meant every word of it. however, there is a time when it's appropriate to say no and look out for yourself first. the line is usually pretty clear, and you'll know it when you see it.

surround yourself with the right people
a friend should be loyal, honest, uplifting and generous, so hold yours to a high standard.  if you feel like crap on a regular basis, take a look around.  it's a two way street, so make sure you're being a good friend, too. also, notice I used the plural people. More than one. 

know your worth
if someone isn't appreciating you, then leave. it sounds simple, but it's not always easy. this is where those super loving supportive friends come in.

do everything for (and with) the Lord
this one is definitely the most important--that's why I saved it for last. God is *the* only one you need to please. don't ever forget that.

now i'm going to go eat another donut, cause I'm an adult.
xoxo, kate

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