
Couples Halloween Costume 2017

Ever since Michael got me into The Office last year, I've been begging him to do a Jim and Pam couple costume with me. Last year we weren't able to, with me being in Florida. But this year...
Just your neighborhood Jim and Pam! Dreams have come true here. I got the shirt and shoes at Goodwill for about $10, and borrowed the skirt from my mom. Michael already had everything for his costume because let's face it he's a living Jim Halpert. He asked me, "Do I have to bring everything? Like dress shoes and a belt?" To which I replied, "Does Jim Halpert wear dress shoes and a belt?" I'm not sorry for the seriousness with which I take Halloween costumes. It's one day a year; go big or go home, I say.
His costume is definitely better than mine. Believe it or not, I had a hard time finding a shirt that looked perfect for Pam, but I told myslef, "Kate, you are super extra when it comes to Halloween costumes, so a Kate 5 is like a normal person 7. Take a chill pill." I mean I spent $7 dollars on the ugliest pair of heels I've ever laid eyes on and they don't even fit, just for a two minute photo session. I even made my boyfriend get in full costume on an 80 degree day in September and go in public, just to get pictures before I chopped and colored my hair, and therefore would look nothing like Pam Beasley. I paid my dues with this one. 
And this was when the geese of Downtown Brighton began to descend upon our photoshoot and we got the heck outta there. I've seen the youtube videos of angry geese attacking people and I'm quite good, thank you very much. Plus as I said, it was HOT and I promised Michael a root beer for his compliance. 

By the way, I'm already cooking up ideas for next year. 

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