January: Celebrated one year with my handsome boyfriend. Started my second semester of college. Took a day trip to the Florida Keys. Went on the march for life. Pet a corgi and lived my best life.
February: Booked a flight to California on a whim. Celebrated my 19th birthday.
March: Barely survived school. Found a lot of awesome new music. Did a lot of future planning.
April: Spent my first break at school. Missed being with family for Easter. Went swimming in my clothes (at 1am. lol.) Made some really hard decisions about school.
May: Watched my brother graduate college. Enjoyed life without the stress of homework. Got a bunch of jobs and acquired new stress. Flew to California. Went to prom with Michael and wore the most bomb ass dress of my life to date.
June: Failed to clean my room for an entire month. Did a lot of chillin.
July: Went on family vacation up north (and took the boyfriend along.) Worked a lot. Ate a lot of Taco Bell. Went ziplining. Climbed a rock wall (and made it to the top!) Pet another corgi and cried half the time.
August: Work work work. Made some tough life decisions. Finished The Office. Went blonde(er.) Jumped off a bridge, multiple times. Saw Logic in concert.
September: Went apple picking. Made an apple pie with aforementioned apples. Continued to work a lot. Booked a flight to Florida to visit friends.
October: chopped my hair for the first time in over a year. Went brunette. Filmed my first Youtube video. Visited my Florida friends. Went to a park filled with Corgis and died. Saw Jon Bellion in concert. Got accepted to college (again.) Registered for classes.
November: Threw a Friendsgiving party. Celebrated Thanksgiving with both mine and Michael's families. Basically just ate a lot of food with other people.
December: (sorta) learned how to ice skate. Saw the Nutcracker. Celebrated Christmas with my family. Visited grandma in Pennsylvania.
The Dreamiest Christmas Dress
That being said, I Love. This. Dress. It S C R E A M S Christmas. The green color, the velvet, the skirt and the wrap top and the low V back...I have heart eyes. It's twirly and chic and the most comfortable thing ever. Hannah Everly, the seamstress that made it, is a miracle worker. So glad I snatched this gem while I could. Check our her Etsy shop here :)
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Date Ideas
Because Christmas is MADE for love. *cough* cuddle weather *cough*
Decorate a Gingerbread House (or Cookies) - You could either decorate your own house and have a contest, or team up to decorate a single house. This is such a simple and festive idea. Munching while decorating is fun but you didn't hear it from me.
Sledding, Ice Skating, Skiing, Snowboarding, etc. Basically just any Winter sport/activity. I personally don't ski or snowboard, but I'm dating a hockey player, so this winter I'm making him take me out for some lessons. Sledding is a personal favorite of mine. it brings back many childhood memories :)
Christmas Movie Night (With Blanket Fort) - My personal favorites for movie night are Elf and It's A Wonderful Life, but there are so many other Christmas movies to choose from. Make a blanket fort, grab some popcorn and cozy drinks, and get in your pajamas. Then watch your movie while hanging out in your fort. Maybe I'm a child, haha but this sounds amazing to me!
Shop For Those in Need - Every year our parish has a Christmas tree decorated with little tags. Each tag has a person in need's wishlist on it. We each pick out a tag or two and go shopping for that person, and this year I realized that would be a great date idea!
Drive Around and look at Christmas Lights - This is a great low-key date idea. Get some hot cocoa and snacks, put on some Christmas music, and drive around the subdivisions in your area while you admire the Christmas lights.
Cook a Meal - This isn't specifically Christmas, but I think there's nothing better than a hot and hearty meal on a cold winter night. So, get together and have fun making it together. Set candles on the table, and dim the lights for ambiance. Bonus points for having the Christmas tree on too :)
Play In The Snow - Make a snowman, have a snowball fight, make some snow angels...pretend you're twelve again. Then afterwards warm up with some hot cocoa and/or soup. This could also go with the other winter activities, depending on how energetic you are. Haha.
Find a Local Holiday Activity - We have so many different activities to do around here; there's the Festival of Lights Parade, craft bazars, Christmas light displays at the local zoos, and the outdoor museum offers a historical Christmas party. Ince we're close to a college town, there's also opportunities for Holiday concerts and performances. This year Michael and I are going to see the Russian Ballet perform The Nutcracker and I am freaking. the. heck. out.
Michael and I will be checking all of these off, because he loves me and I am a Christmas fiend. Which ideas are you going to try?
Decorate a Gingerbread House (or Cookies) - You could either decorate your own house and have a contest, or team up to decorate a single house. This is such a simple and festive idea. Munching while decorating is fun but you didn't hear it from me.
Sledding, Ice Skating, Skiing, Snowboarding, etc. Basically just any Winter sport/activity. I personally don't ski or snowboard, but I'm dating a hockey player, so this winter I'm making him take me out for some lessons. Sledding is a personal favorite of mine. it brings back many childhood memories :)
Christmas Movie Night (With Blanket Fort) - My personal favorites for movie night are Elf and It's A Wonderful Life, but there are so many other Christmas movies to choose from. Make a blanket fort, grab some popcorn and cozy drinks, and get in your pajamas. Then watch your movie while hanging out in your fort. Maybe I'm a child, haha but this sounds amazing to me!
Shop For Those in Need - Every year our parish has a Christmas tree decorated with little tags. Each tag has a person in need's wishlist on it. We each pick out a tag or two and go shopping for that person, and this year I realized that would be a great date idea!
Drive Around and look at Christmas Lights - This is a great low-key date idea. Get some hot cocoa and snacks, put on some Christmas music, and drive around the subdivisions in your area while you admire the Christmas lights.
Cook a Meal - This isn't specifically Christmas, but I think there's nothing better than a hot and hearty meal on a cold winter night. So, get together and have fun making it together. Set candles on the table, and dim the lights for ambiance. Bonus points for having the Christmas tree on too :)
Play In The Snow - Make a snowman, have a snowball fight, make some snow angels...pretend you're twelve again. Then afterwards warm up with some hot cocoa and/or soup. This could also go with the other winter activities, depending on how energetic you are. Haha.
Find a Local Holiday Activity - We have so many different activities to do around here; there's the Festival of Lights Parade, craft bazars, Christmas light displays at the local zoos, and the outdoor museum offers a historical Christmas party. Ince we're close to a college town, there's also opportunities for Holiday concerts and performances. This year Michael and I are going to see the Russian Ballet perform The Nutcracker and I am freaking. the. heck. out.
Michael and I will be checking all of these off, because he loves me and I am a Christmas fiend. Which ideas are you going to try?
Christmas Home Decor Ideas
Candle - Bath and Body Works
Christmas Sheets - Target
Prints - Pintrest
Rose Gold Frames - Home Goods (I've had them for ages)
Letterboard - JoAnns
Mini Christmas Tree - I've had this thing, and all the ornaments, since I was a kid. But Target has some great options for small trees!
Fa La La Bunting
Red Felt Sheets
I made this the same way I've made the Good Vibes pillow and the Halloween bunting. First I created a template on Google drive (I found a font I liked and then made it size 400 so it would be big enough) Then I printed and cut it out, and used it as a guide to cut the felt. I hot glued each letter to the string and hung it up. Super easy!
18' Wreath
Decorations of choice
I also made the wreath on my wall, but again, it's very easy, and only cost $8. I bought the 18" wreath at Michael's, as well as the berry/pinecone garland. I literally just wrapped the garland around the wreath and adjusted it until I was happy with the look.
Christmas 2017 Mixtape
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas // Sam Smith
Silent Night // Pentatonix
Do They Know It's Christmas? // Band Aid
White Christmas // Billie Marten
The Christmas Song // Nat King Cole
Snow // Sleeping At Last
Dear Santa // Mr Little Jeans
Present Without A Blow // Kacey Musgraves ft. Leon Bridges
Last Christmas // WHAM!
In The Bleak Midwinter // Lily & Madeline (only on youtube)
All I Want For Christmas Is You // Mariah Carey
Christmas (Baby Please Come Home // Michael Buble
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town // Bruce Springsteen
November Favorites
When I planned out my November blog posts, I threw around the idea of doing a favorites post, but passed over the idea. Then all month I kept falling in love with things and thinking "I have to put this in my favorites post!" So here i am, pulling together a November favorites for you all. Here's some things i have genuinely been loving.
Essie Gel Setter - I love having gorgeous nails, and I don't mind putting in the time, except that I never seem to be happy with the finished product, and my manicures don't last longer than a couple days before they crack and chip. I decided to try out an at home gel manicure set up in the hopes that it would deliver, and to my excitement, it did. I freaking LOVE this stuff. I used it with Essie's color After School Boy Blazer and it was the perfect fall manicure. The shine is unbelievable, and it feels incredibly strong--like, rock solid-- which means it lasts forever with no chips. Highly recommend.
Amber Eyes Palate - I've been loving the copper/orange eyeshadow looks this Fall, especially for blue eyes. However, the palate that I had my eye on (Urban Decay's Naked Heat) is way out of my experimental makeup price range. I really started wearing eyeshadow this past month, so when I stumbled across this new palate for cheap at Target, I had to try it. I love the wide range of shades, included, and a tip for all my fellow blue-eyed gals: these colors look amazing. My favorites would definitely have to be the mauve/pinks, like Another great eyeshadow for blue eyes that I have been loving is Amber Rush by L'oreal. I've been using this little guy for two years and I can't count how many compliments I've received. It's like my eyes pop out of my head they're so bright!
White Turtleneck Sweater - I bought this sweater because I was looking for something warm and cozy for the colder months. Usually I get ridiculously claustrophobic with any kind of turtleneck. This however...soft, the perfect white, and slightly cropped. It's in my work wardrobe at least once a week, and I'm terrified of wearing it out too fast because it is literally my favorite sweater and I would cry if it got ruined! I've considered getting it in the teal/blue as well. It's that perfect.
Reputation Album - I've been jamming to this album ALL. MONTH. LONG. I was excited but skeptical about the album before it was released...I mean, I love me some Taylor Swift, but 1989 is such a hard act to follow. Then on release day I found out the album was not on Spotify and hauled myself to Target so I could hear it. And...I loved it. Particularly the first five songs. In Kate's world, liking half of the songs on the album is a very high percentage (I tend to only like one or two) so I'd say Taylor won me over here. I honestly don't know if I have a favorite song, but I do know that Don't Blame Me is amazing for carpool karaoke.
Rifle Paper Co Phone Case - I love pretty much everything Rifle Paper Co makes. I bought this planner from them over the summer and I'm in love with it. So when I saw they had phone cases in a matching print, I had to have one. It's beautiful, fits my phone perfectly, and protects it as well (cause let's be honest, I drop my phone all the dang time.)
There ya have it. What products have you been loving lately?
Friendsgiving Twenty Seventeen
Okay okay, I know this is late, as in Thanksgiving is officially donezo and my Christmas obsession is now socially acceptable. I had plans to post this last Monday, but I had way less work this week because of the holiday, which meant sleeping in and taking a break. Unfortunately that also meant that blog/creative stuff took a backseat as well, but also sorry not sorry cause I was starting to feel a bit of burnout coming on. Instead of throwing out the entire post (that I have been very excited for btw) I thought I'd just post it late. Cause better late then never. So...let's go :)
For a couple years now I've wanted to host a Friendsgiving dinner. I love good food...I love gorgeously decorated tables...I love my friends...and Friendsgiving is basically a perfect mix of all three. I also looove the Holidays, so in short, Friendsgiving is an extremely Kate thing. I figured that this season of my life is the most ideal time; working full time (so I have enough money to actually pull it off) and no school stress. So last week I hosted Friendsgiving dinner.
For a couple years now I've wanted to host a Friendsgiving dinner. I love good food...I love gorgeously decorated tables...I love my friends...and Friendsgiving is basically a perfect mix of all three. I also looove the Holidays, so in short, Friendsgiving is an extremely Kate thing. I figured that this season of my life is the most ideal time; working full time (so I have enough money to actually pull it off) and no school stress. So last week I hosted Friendsgiving dinner.
In Kate fashion, I wanted to go big or go home. And by big, I mean everything had to be *perfect.* So perfect, I even attempted to make my own fabric napkins. That lasted about ten minutes before I gave up...ain't nobody got time for that. In all honesty, I'm glad I did because the next day I fell in love with a set I saw at World Market (aka the best store ever, second only to Target.) Bonus: There was a matching table runner. You know you're growing up when you get excited about table linens...yet here we are.
I started planning by scouring Pintrest in search of some yummy recipes. Traditional Friendsgiving involves Turkey and stuffing, but I knew that would be too much for me to handle, so I went with a baked chicken (because it looks like a mini turkey so we still get the effect, amirite?) and mashed potatoes. For drinks I bought the boys some root beer, and for us girls I got two different kinds of sparkling juice...man am I a sucker for cool drinks. I also made some yummy appetizers and a cake for dessert. Simple, festive, and delicious :)
Now on to the table. As I said, I found some adorable linens at World Market. I got eucalyptus bunches and some festive red berries at Trader Joe's for pretty cheap, and pillar candles on Amazon. The taper candles and sticks are from my mom's stash, as are all the dishes and utensils. Once again, I grabbed some ideas off Pintrest (let's be honest, that's where most of my ideas come from) and set up this super chic, minimalist tablescape. Much pleased, very happy.
The day of, I did all the cooking, cleaning, and setting up in what I like to call "The Domestic Hurricane." My mom was such a help with getting everything done. Moms the the best. Thanks mom :)
Here are links to the recipes I used--super delish. The mashed potatoes were a H I T .
Appetizers: Baked Brie with Peach and Basil // Cranberry Barbecue Meatballs
Dessert: Buttermilk Spice Cake
After dinner we sat down to watch It's A Wonderful Life, which was basically one or two people actually trying to pay attention and the rest of us making dumb comments. I had plans to take a lot more pictures, but I was so busy prepping beforehand and then once everyone arrived I really wanted to BE in the moment, which meant a lack of photos. But I'm okay with that...Basically it was awesome and I can't wait for next year.
Now on to CHRISTMAS.
After dinner we sat down to watch It's A Wonderful Life, which was basically one or two people actually trying to pay attention and the rest of us making dumb comments. I had plans to take a lot more pictures, but I was so busy prepping beforehand and then once everyone arrived I really wanted to BE in the moment, which meant a lack of photos. But I'm okay with that...Basically it was awesome and I can't wait for next year.
Now on to CHRISTMAS.
Holiday Hairstyles for Short Hair
Curling Iron
Clips or Rollers (optional)
Decorative hair pin/clip (optional)
1. For this style you're going to curl your hair like you would for any other style, with a few tricks to help you achieve a 50's Hollywood wave. Firstly, do a deep side part and divide your hair from ear to ear into two sections; the bottom half and top half. Then curl your hair in reasonable sections; If you have thick hair, use less, and for thin hair you should use more. 2. The trick here is to curl all of your hair in the same direction. When you're done, take down the top half and curl, once again in the same direction as the bottom layer. 3. Another tip is to use clips or rollers to help set the curls. This is totally optional, but if your hair doesn't hold curl well, then I would strongly advise this. Just roll the curl into the roller, or place it flat on your head and stick an alligator clip in it. There's definitely a technique to this, so if you're interested or need help, Youtube has tons of great videos. 4. Let the curls cool. If you brush them out while still warm, they wont hold nearly as well, and you'll end up with more frizz than you want. 5. When they're ready, brush the curls out lightly, and smooth/style with your fingers. Careful not to brush them to death or you'll just get an afro. Just enough to smooth and blend them together. 6. I also like to pin the side with less hair back behind my ear with a cute clip, although it looks great both ways!
Clear Elastic
Ponytail Holder
1. To start out you'll want to part your hair heavy on the side, and split it in two. take the side with more hair and part it into two horizontal sections at the ear. 2. Now do a dutch braid across the top/side of your hair. A dutch braid is like a reverse French braid; instead of pulling the hair over, pull it under. Tie off the end of your braid. 3. Now you'll want to beef up and soften the look of your braid by pulling on it a bit to fluff it out. this adds volume and makes the whole look messy and romantic. Pull your hair into a ponytail, add the braid, and tie off with a ponytail holder. I like to keep the braid in the ponytail, but this time it got bessed up and looked a bit funky, so i took the elastic out and incorporated the hair into the pony. 4. To hide the ponytail holder, take a piece of hair from right underneath the base of the pony and wrap it around as many times as it'll go. Then bobby pin it underneath the base and voila, done. Or you could use a decorative ponytail holder and not disguise it...totally up to you :)
Half Twist
Tools:Bobby Pins
Decorative hair pin/clip (optional)
1. This style is probably the easiest of the bunch, and still looks perfect for any occasion. Start by parting your hair the way you like it. 2. Take some hair from the front of one side. As for how much, it depends on your taste, but for reference I did about an inch or two from the beginning of my forehead, if that makes sense. Twist the hair lightly, and if you want some extra texture, hold the end of the twist and tug the hair out to loosen it. Pull back and pin with a bobby pin. 3. Do the same thing to the other side. Make sure to find a good placement on your head; some like it a bit higher, others like it lower. I prefer somewhere in the middle, so that's what I did. You could also add some sparkle and put a cute clip in right on top of the bobby pins.
Messy Updo
Ponytail Holder
Bobby Pins
1. Start out by sectioning your hair into three parts and doing a regular braid, and tie off the end. 2. Pull on each section to fluff the braid; this gives you the messy vibe. 3. Then tuck the tail of your braid under and secure with bobby pins. I like to gently pull a few pieces out to amp up the messy look and frame my face. I love how polished this style looks, and its so easy!
Which would you wear to your holiday events this season?
My Favorite Saints
Whenever discussing my friendship with St. Dymphna, I always make sure to start by saying that she chose me. I honestly don't even remember how I first heard her name, but it was during my middle/high school years, when my anxiety disorder was at its peak; I'm taking daily panic attacks. I came across her story and was amazed by the similarities she and I shared. Dymphna was an Irish princess during the 7th century. After her Christian mother's death, her Pagan father slipped into a grief-fueled insanity. He demanded Dymphna marry him and convert to Paganism. She refused, and fled to Belgium. He eventually found her, and after denying his requests one last time, she was beheaded by her father. Dymphna was fifteen. She is the patron saint of mental and nervous illness. How crazy is it that the patroness of anxiety (which I am struggling with) was fifteen (just like me) when she was martyred, and just so happened to be a bajillion percent Irish (just like me)? You can't make this stuff up. I felt as if I had found a twin and role model. The level of courage and peace that Dymphna exercised at such a young age shook me; If she could stand strong in the face of fear, then so could I. I truly believe God sent her to me as a friend and comforter. During my panic attacks, a simple prayer to her would ease my worry. That's not to say I was cured, but her presence made a visible and positive change in my life. The day I connected everything and realized God had sent me a friend was one of the most beautiful days of my life.
St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
"Suffering is a sign that you have come so close to him that he can kiss you."
Mother Teresa is another holy woman with which I closely related to. I have always been a compassionate soul, probably due to my sensitive, empathetic nature. I mean, I cry every time I see roadkill (which is a lot) or any time dinner looks especially delicious. That being said, I'm also an incredibly tough, stubborn person. The best way to keep me from doing something is to order me to do it, even if I had planned to do it previously. Que Mama T. Mother Teresa's trademark themes are love, compassion, kindness, humility, and sacrifice. Love and kindness are two qualities that I relate to quite closely; Like I said, I'm a bowl of mush. But Mother Teresa's definition of love is far beyond emotions. Instead, she speaks of love as serving others. In Mother Teresa's world, love is not a feeling, but an action. This distinction changed my life. When I read the words of Mama T, her call to everyday kindness and compassion resonate deep in my soul. Humility and sacrifice, however, are a bit harder for me. And by a bit, I mean a lot. Pre Mama T, Kate thought she was pretty humble. Post Mama T Kate doesn't even know what humility is. Just take a look through the Litany of Humility and you'll know what I mean. Growing up I always had an underlying feeling of invisibility. I struggled with the desire to be noticed (but not too noticed cause that's terrifying lol.) Feeling ignored and misunderstood were not uncommon for me. As I became more familiar with Mother Teresa's message, I came to realize that even the desire to be understood, though a very human emotion (and not necessarily bad), could quickly become prideful. It was then that I realized Kate was definitely not a regular member on the humble bus. I find it amazing how I can feel validated by many of Mother Teresa's words, and simultaneously be challenged by them as well. I could go on forever about the beauty of her attitude and work. She inspires me so much, I chose her as my confirmation saint while she was still a blessed, and last year on her canonization day I cried tears of joy.
St. Augustine
"In my deepest wound I saw your glory, and it astounded me."
I was exposed to the story of St Augustine at a young age, having graduated from a school named after him. I remember my 7th grade history teacher telling us about how Augustine stole pears from a tree not because he was hungry, but simply because he liked stealing. (He also imitated in a whiny, high pitched voice the famous 'Tolle Lege' song that Augustine famously overheard. But that's less applicable here.) Now that I'm older, I realize just how miraculous St Augustine's conversion story is; He was more than just a bad boy. St. Augustine was deep in sin, and by the grace channeled through his mother's prayers, he became one of the biggest assets to Heaven. Knowing that anyone--even those who seem to be too far gone--can experience Christ's mercy and grace is extremely encouraging for me. Also, Augustine is the perfect blend of Romantic and Intellectual; most everything he says is spot on, and beautifully expressed.
St. Edith Stein
"The world doesn't need what women have. The world needs what women are."
As a young woman who is firm in her conviction both as a Catholic and a feminist, Edith Stein's words on womanhood really strike a chord with me. St. Edith perfectly describes the female soul, and how desperate the world is for its proper presence; She is a Jewish convert to Catholicism, living in World War II Poland, so as you can imagine, she was witness to many atrocities. If anyone knew, it was her! I think this especially rings true in today's age, with so many questioning the true meaning of gender. In my opinion,St. Edith perfectly captures the kind of feminist I hope to be; she maintains the truth behind the gentleness of womanhood, while simultaneously casting it in a heroic light. The idea of strength in vulnerability is one that I've seen proven over and over again in my own life. I'm so thankful for her writings on women because of their endless impact on me as a young catholic woman! When I read and reflect upon her writings, I feel as though women can save the culture, and therefore the world.
St. Pope John Paul II
"You are a heartbeat of God."
One of the most disappointing moments of my life was when I realized I would never get to experience Pope JP II's brilliance and love in person. I truly believe he is a trailblazer for the young, modern Catholic, and therefore a tremendous influence in my life. His ability to spread wisdom and truth is phenomenal, but his ability to get people to listen is even more impressive. I remember hearing about Theology of the Body in middle school and thinking "Wow, that sounds so dumb. We get it, sex is bad." Then as I came to grow both physically and spiritual, I understood that the real message behinf TOB is not that sex is bad--rather that it is so good. So good it needs to be protected from being abused, and so that no one gets hurt. During a time when teenagers are trying to "find his/herself," JP II's guidance helped me to understand in a healthy way. To this day I'm a huge TOB nerd, even through I'm just getting around to reading it in its entirety. Definitely expect some TOB inspired posts in the future, haha! Bonus points for JP II being a both an adorable old man and a really cool hipster. He was somehow way before his time and yet exactly where he needed to be.
St. Josemaria Escriva
"Diamonds are polished with diamonds, and souls with souls."
If you're looking for a modern, shoot-from-the-hip saint, Josemaria Escriva is your guy. Most everything I've read from him goes a little like this: "Stop making excuses and be better." While I tend to prefer the gentle approach, I really appreciate and admire St. Josemaria Escriva. He's also extremely eloquent. My love for his ministry began last year when I read a compilation of his quotes. I felt so peaceful from how beautifully the words were spoken, yet at the same time I was ready to get cracking because he's so inspiring. I had previously heard about him through the movie that came out a couple years ago (The name is escaping me, something about dragons?) But I didn't come to appreciate him until reading his words.
The Blessed Virgin Mary
"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior."
The Blessed Mother seems like an obvious and cliche choice, But there is so much more to her than what many people realize. During my college religion classes, Marian Theology was (and still is) always my favorite part. There is so much complexity, beauty, and inspiration to be found in our Blessed Mother. I've learned so much about her this past year, but my favorite thing is probably how close we are to her. Mary is our spiritual mother, and she longs to be close to us, she really does. Mary is such a powerful intercessor with Christ, which is something I deeply underestimated growing up. I once read a quote about how Christ listens to his mother, so we should always go to Mary with our prayers--not as a way of bypassing Christ or simply getting what we want, but because we understand how beautiful Christ's relationship is with his mother. When my mom asks my brother to do something, it gets done double time, because he respects and loves our mom. He wants to please her, and trusts that she has the best intentions in mind. It only makes sense that the same rule would apply to the ultimate, perfect mother/son relationship. Another point of connection I have with Mary is that we are both daughters of God. Yes, I just said Mary is my mother, but she's also my sister; she may have been saved from original sin, unlike myself, but she is still human. She still experienced great joy and great pain. I can go to her for girl talk and know I'm in good hands, and I can trust her advice. I can pour out my heart to a fellow woman of God, who just so happens to be the mother of the Savior. How cool is that?
Who are some of your favorite saints?
Couples Halloween Costume 2017
Ever since Michael got me into The Office last year, I've been begging him to do a Jim and Pam couple costume with me. Last year we weren't able to, with me being in Florida. But this year...
Just your neighborhood Jim and Pam! Dreams have come true here. I got the shirt and shoes at Goodwill for about $10, and borrowed the skirt from my mom. Michael already had everything for his costume because let's face it he's a living Jim Halpert. He asked me, "Do I have to bring everything? Like dress shoes and a belt?" To which I replied, "Does Jim Halpert wear dress shoes and a belt?" I'm not sorry for the seriousness with which I take Halloween costumes. It's one day a year; go big or go home, I say.
His costume is definitely better than mine. Believe it or not, I had a hard time finding a shirt that looked perfect for Pam, but I told myslef, "Kate, you are super extra when it comes to Halloween costumes, so a Kate 5 is like a normal person 7. Take a chill pill." I mean I spent $7 dollars on the ugliest pair of heels I've ever laid eyes on and they don't even fit, just for a two minute photo session. I even made my boyfriend get in full costume on an 80 degree day in September and go in public, just to get pictures before I chopped and colored my hair, and therefore would look nothing like Pam Beasley. I paid my dues with this one.
And this was when the geese of Downtown Brighton began to descend upon our photoshoot and we got the heck outta there. I've seen the youtube videos of angry geese attacking people and I'm quite good, thank you very much. Plus as I said, it was HOT and I promised Michael a root beer for his compliance.
By the way, I'm already cooking up ideas for next year.
Lots of exciting things happening, it's gonna be yuuuuge
One thing I enjoy about having a blog is being able to chronicle my life for myself. Sure I could keep a private diary in my bedside table but honestly that's not half as fun, right? In any account, here's my October diary...uh, I mean blog post.
This week I found out that I have officially been accepted to Madonna University for next semester, Winter 2018. Boy did I forget how stressful college is...trying to get everything in line has me a leeeettle bit cray cray. I'm hoping to keep my office job while in school, and campus is 50 minutes from my house, which is a lot to accommodate, but I'm hoping, praaaying it's possible. The exciting side is that I get to take art classes! I am honestly so pumped about getting back into school. Working almost full time is nice, because a) money and b) when I come home, I'm done for the day. But I really do miss learning and being in the classroom. So far the excitement has been staving off the anxiety...will keep you updated. Lol.
Another big announcement is that I've joined the witness protection program. Kidding. If you follow me on Instagram, or if you saw my Fall makeup look a couple weeks ago, you'd notice my hair is a lot darker...and shorter. The first week or so it freaked me out, but after a few showers the color toned down a bit and I loooove it. I also shortened it and had lots of layers put in; I've been growing my hair out for over a year, so I decided it was time for a change, especially since I became very protective with my hair over that year. I realized that not only did I not really enjoy doing my hair as much as I used to, I also realized that I was finding a lot of my identity in my hair. Sounds kinda crazy, right? Crazy bit true! I will say that I do miss styling my long hair, but if a picture is worth a thousand words, then this picture sums up how I feel about my hair:
Good hair days are therapy.
Last week I took a little break and flew to Florida to visit Ave. It was just about the weirdest thing ever to walk around as an ex-student, but It was great to see my friends again. I flew in Wednesday night, and I spent all of Thursday catching up and relaxing in what woud've been my room this year...yeah, weird. Friday I had lunch at the pub, then went to a friends house to hang out for a bit.
Saturday we tried to go into town, but that plan was thumped when the car broke down. Later in the day we made plans to go to the pumpkin patch, which was fun, but was more like a farmers market, and did not meet the expectations of this Midwest girl.
The best part was definitely the sunflowers.
Just a girl sticking her head in a sunflower, no big deal.
Sunday I went to mass, and basically just chilled and packed the rest of the day. Then it was off to the airport to head for home. Monday Michael and I went to the Jon Bellion concert here in Detroit. We both had been waiting for this since back in July, and it was definitely worth waiting an hour in the rain! Also, we walked the WRONG WAY for like eight minutes before realizing. So that was funny.
We had Mezzanine seats, which wasn't ideal for dancing, so we ended up standing in the corner the whole time so I could jump around like a maniac, lol. He performed all but one of my favorites (Morning In America sadly did not make the set list. Boo.) and let me tell you...Guillotine is somehow better in person. I didn't even know that was possible.
Afterwards we stopped at Taco Bell (at my request, hehe) because after jumping around and shouting for two hours I was hungry. But then I'm always hungry for Taco Bell.
The rest of the week I've spent working and getting back into normal life...Fun but tiresome. And I only say fun because I find organizing enjoyable (actually I take organizing so seriously that it stresses me out. So once I get past the stress, I enjoy myself. Haha.)
Fall Lookbook
Recently I ventured into the world of Youtube and made a video. I've wanted to do this for a very long time, but never really had the guts/motivation to actually film...until now! I think media is such a powerful tool, and should be used for joy. So, I hope watching me strut around in public looking kinda dumb but also having a ton of fun brings some joy to your day. My sister and faithful Instagram husband was a huge help during this project; we both learned so much! Honestly I'd love to make regular videos, we'll see how that goes...give it a watch and let me know if you have any video ideas for me.
DIY Halloween Decor
I went a bit crazy in the Halloween section of JoAnn's a couple weeks ago, and it resulted in lots of different DIY decoration ideas. I'm the type of person that goes all in for holidays. Like, all in. So if you want to know how a crazy enthusiastic person with a very strict aesthetic decorates their room for Halloween on a budget...look no further.
General Decor
Black and White pumpkins: $3 at JoAnn's
General Decor
Black and White pumpkins: $3 at JoAnn's
Pumpkin Spice Candle: $7 at Target
Letter board: $10 at JoAnn's
Felt Bunting
Felt Sheets
Hole Punch
For the triangles, I just used the ruler and sharpie to draw triangles with sides about 6 inches long (each square gave me two triangles.) Then I cut them out and put two holes in each triangle with the hole punch. String them on your twine, hang it up, and you're done.
Jack O Lantern
Silk Flowers
Hot Glue Gun
Wire Cutters
I got this idea from the display at JoAnn's. All you have to do is buy the ceramic Jack O Lantern (I think he was maybe $7) and some silk flowers. Then cut the stems with a wire cutter, arrange them to your liking, and attach with hot glue. This is by far my favorite decoration, because pumpkins and flower crowns.
Black scrapbook paper
All I did was Google 'halloween bat' and picked out the image I liked best; then I printed it out and used it as a guide when cutting the sparkly paper. Slapped on the wall with blue painter's tape. Super easy and cheap but so adorable!
Just wait till Christmastime...haha!
Just wait till Christmastime...haha!
Autumn Inspired Makeup Look
L'Oreal Lumi Primer
Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation in 91
Maybelline Fit Me Concealer in 15
L'Oreal True Match Blush in Baby Blossom
ELF Baked Highlight in Moonlight Pearls
Revlon Brow Fantasy in Brunette
L'Oreal Infallable Eyeshadow in Amber Rush
ELF Prism Palette
Loreal Lash Paradise Mascara
Lasting Finish Lipstick by Kate Moss in 107
Let's Get Started!
First I start with a clean, moisturized face, and I apply my primer with my fingers. I use a wet beauty blender to apply my foundation and concealer (under the eyes, around the nose, and on any spots that need extra coverage.) Then I go in with some blush on the apples of my cheeks, and a little highlight (directly above the blush, down my nose, and then a smaller brush to get in the inner corners of my eyes and my cupid's bow.) I also darken my brows since my hair is colored. I fill them in the slightest bit with the pencil side, then set with the gel. Now we're ready for the star of the show, the eyes and lips:
For the eyes I use the Infallable eyeshadow all over my lid. I apply the second darkest shade on the ELF palette in my crease, and smoked it out to the corner (kind of like making a V motion around the outer corner of your eye.) Lastly, I blended the bageezus out of it and used some of the lightest shade in the palette under my brow and in the inner corners of my eyes, just to brighten the look.
Then for the lipstick, I take a brush or my finger and apply a thin swipe. This way it looks more like a tint--I'm not a big lipstick person, so I prefer a less intense look. But this would also be stunning with a darker application. And done!
The lipstick shade is definitely out of my comfort zone, but I'm trying to expand my makeup horizons--yay for trying new things! The eyes, however, are right up my alley--the smokey gold and brown shades really bring out blue eyes. I love this look for the colder months.
L'Oreal Lumi Primer
Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation in 91
Maybelline Fit Me Concealer in 15
L'Oreal True Match Blush in Baby Blossom
ELF Baked Highlight in Moonlight Pearls
Revlon Brow Fantasy in Brunette
L'Oreal Infallable Eyeshadow in Amber Rush
ELF Prism Palette
Loreal Lash Paradise Mascara
Lasting Finish Lipstick by Kate Moss in 107
Let's Get Started!
First I start with a clean, moisturized face, and I apply my primer with my fingers. I use a wet beauty blender to apply my foundation and concealer (under the eyes, around the nose, and on any spots that need extra coverage.) Then I go in with some blush on the apples of my cheeks, and a little highlight (directly above the blush, down my nose, and then a smaller brush to get in the inner corners of my eyes and my cupid's bow.) I also darken my brows since my hair is colored. I fill them in the slightest bit with the pencil side, then set with the gel. Now we're ready for the star of the show, the eyes and lips:
For the eyes I use the Infallable eyeshadow all over my lid. I apply the second darkest shade on the ELF palette in my crease, and smoked it out to the corner (kind of like making a V motion around the outer corner of your eye.) Lastly, I blended the bageezus out of it and used some of the lightest shade in the palette under my brow and in the inner corners of my eyes, just to brighten the look.
Then for the lipstick, I take a brush or my finger and apply a thin swipe. This way it looks more like a tint--I'm not a big lipstick person, so I prefer a less intense look. But this would also be stunning with a darker application. And done!
The lipstick shade is definitely out of my comfort zone, but I'm trying to expand my makeup horizons--yay for trying new things! The eyes, however, are right up my alley--the smokey gold and brown shades really bring out blue eyes. I love this look for the colder months.
Fall Mixtape 2017
Looking Too Closely // Fink
The Mess I'm In // Taylor John Williams
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room // John Mayer
Oceans Away // Arizona
Quarter Past Four // Avriel & The Sequoias
The Night We Met // Lord Huron
I Will Spend My Whole Life Loving You // Kina Granis, Imaginary Future
Holes // The Paper Kites
Many Lives // Andrew Belle
Young & Unafraid // The Moth & The Flame
Sleep On The Floor // The Lumineers
Many Lives // Andrew Belle
Young & Unafraid // The Moth & The Flame
Sleep On The Floor // The Lumineers
Listen to the playlist here!
Good Vibes Pillow DIY
About a year ago I came across some adorable throw pillows on Urban Outfitters, but choked at the sight of the price tag. Being the Pintrest-loving idealist that I am, I muttered to myself "I can tooootally make that for cheaper" (who else has done this? lol.) I've been spending more time on my bedroom, and was looking for a way tp revamp some old accent pillows I have lying around. I remembered those gorgeous UO pillows and decided it was time to make my own version. I love the results!
White Pillow Case (I used this one)
Pillow form (I used an old pillow I had lying around)
Black Felt Sheets
Letter Templates (Download mine here)
Fabric glue
sewing pins (optional)
cardboard (optional)
1. First I cut out the letters from the template I made and used them as a guide when cutting the felt. sewing pins are super handy for this but not necessary :) 2. Then I just arranged my felt letters on the pillow till I was happy with the placement. I stuck a piece of cardboard in the pillowcase to keep it completely flat, and then 3. One by one I glued the letters on. you could also sew them on but honestly ain't nobody got time for that ;) Super straightforward and the results are awesome!
I think it looks adorable, and dare I say I like it better than the Urban Outfitters one?
Good Vibes Pillow DIY
White Pillow Case (I used this one)
Pillow form (I used an old pillow I had lying around)
Black Felt Sheets
Letter Templates (Download mine here)
Fabric glue
sewing pins (optional)
cardboard (optional)
1. First I cut out the letters from the template I made and used them as a guide when cutting the felt. sewing pins are super handy for this but not necessary :) 2. Then I just arranged my felt letters on the pillow till I was happy with the placement. I stuck a piece of cardboard in the pillowcase to keep it completely flat, and then 3. One by one I glued the letters on. you could also sew them on but honestly ain't nobody got time for that ;) Super straightforward and the results are awesome!
I think it looks adorable, and dare I say I like it better than the Urban Outfitters one?
Fall Date Ideas
Baking Day: Make a yummy Fall treat to enjoy together. Fall is the perfect time for warm baked goods, especially something with pumpkin or cinnamon. You could also go try making apple sauce--more time consuming, but just as fun :)
Cider Mill: This one is a personal favorite because, growing up, the best part about fall (other than Halloween) was the cider mill. Get some fresh cinnamon sugar donuts and some hot cider and enjoy them outside. We also buy a jug or two of cider to take home with us.
Bonfire: I love the idea of a Fall bonfire, even though it's something my family usually does in the Summertime. Roast hot dogs, marshmallows, cuddle with some blankets. Super cheap and easy date, and still tons of fun.
Movie Night: This is another affordable and cozy idea. Get the fireplace going, pop some popcorn, grab some tea or coffee, and pick a Halloween movie (Hocus Pocus is the king, just saying.) You could totally do a scary movie if you want, but this girl is not about that, haha.
Football Game: This was actually one of mine and Michael's first dates ;) We got together with a couple other friends (gotta have those third wheels, amirite) and watched a Friend's team play. We got hot drinks and laughed the whole time. Michael tried explaining the game to me but honestly, it was too cold for my brain to work...so make sure to bundle up and bring blankets!
Apple Orchard: Picking apples is always a fun fall activity. You could even double this date up and bake an apple treat (apple pie maybe?) Some orchards even have fun activities like a petting zoo or a corn maze.
Stargazing: This one can be done late summer to early fall. Lay a blanket out on the grass and look up at the stars. Bring some snacks and you can make it a late night picnic.
Carving Pumpkins: Michael and I did this last year and it was a blast. You can go to the store and grab a pumpkin, or you could go to a pumpkin patch and pick your own.
Cider Mill: This one is a personal favorite because, growing up, the best part about fall (other than Halloween) was the cider mill. Get some fresh cinnamon sugar donuts and some hot cider and enjoy them outside. We also buy a jug or two of cider to take home with us.
Bonfire: I love the idea of a Fall bonfire, even though it's something my family usually does in the Summertime. Roast hot dogs, marshmallows, cuddle with some blankets. Super cheap and easy date, and still tons of fun.
Movie Night: This is another affordable and cozy idea. Get the fireplace going, pop some popcorn, grab some tea or coffee, and pick a Halloween movie (Hocus Pocus is the king, just saying.) You could totally do a scary movie if you want, but this girl is not about that, haha.
Football Game: This was actually one of mine and Michael's first dates ;) We got together with a couple other friends (gotta have those third wheels, amirite) and watched a Friend's team play. We got hot drinks and laughed the whole time. Michael tried explaining the game to me but honestly, it was too cold for my brain to work...so make sure to bundle up and bring blankets!
Apple Orchard: Picking apples is always a fun fall activity. You could even double this date up and bake an apple treat (apple pie maybe?) Some orchards even have fun activities like a petting zoo or a corn maze.
Stargazing: This one can be done late summer to early fall. Lay a blanket out on the grass and look up at the stars. Bring some snacks and you can make it a late night picnic.
Carving Pumpkins: Michael and I did this last year and it was a blast. You can go to the store and grab a pumpkin, or you could go to a pumpkin patch and pick your own.
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Hey, I'm Kate. I'm a college sophmore who loves Jesus, donuts, corgis, and The Office. Take a look around!
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