
2017 reflections

January: Celebrated one year with my handsome boyfriend. Started my second semester of college. Took a day trip to the Florida Keys. Went on the march for life. Pet a corgi and lived my best life.
February: Booked a flight to California on a whim. Celebrated my 19th birthday.
March: Barely survived school. Found a lot of awesome new music. Did a lot of future planning.
April: Spent my first break at school. Missed being with family for Easter. Went swimming in my clothes (at 1am. lol.) Made some really hard decisions about school.
May: Watched my brother graduate college. Enjoyed life without the stress of homework. Got a bunch of jobs and acquired new stress. Flew to California. Went to prom with Michael and wore the most bomb ass dress of my life to date.
June: Failed to clean my room for an entire month. Did a lot of chillin.
July: Went on family vacation up north (and took the boyfriend along.) Worked a lot. Ate a lot of Taco Bell. Went ziplining. Climbed a rock wall (and made it to the top!) Pet another corgi and cried half the time.
August: Work work work. Made some tough life decisions. Finished The Office. Went blonde(er.) Jumped off a bridge, multiple times. Saw Logic in concert.
September: Went apple picking. Made an apple pie with aforementioned apples. Continued to work a lot. Booked a flight to Florida to visit friends.
October: chopped my hair for the first time in over a year. Went brunette. Filmed my first Youtube video. Visited my Florida friends. Went to a park filled with Corgis and died. Saw Jon Bellion in concert. Got accepted to college (again.) Registered for classes.
November: Threw a Friendsgiving party. Celebrated Thanksgiving with both mine and Michael's families. Basically just ate a lot of food with other people.
December: (sorta) learned how to ice skate. Saw the Nutcracker. Celebrated Christmas with my family. Visited grandma in Pennsylvania.

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