
Friendsgiving Twenty Seventeen

Okay okay, I know this is late, as in Thanksgiving is officially donezo and my Christmas obsession is now socially acceptable. I had plans to post this last Monday, but I had way less work this week because of the holiday, which meant sleeping in and taking a break. Unfortunately that also meant that blog/creative stuff took a backseat as well, but also sorry not sorry cause I was starting to feel a bit of burnout coming on. Instead of throwing out the entire post (that I have been very excited for btw) I thought I'd just post it late. Cause better late then never. So...let's go :)

For a couple years now I've wanted to host a Friendsgiving dinner. I love good food...I love gorgeously decorated tables...I love my friends...and Friendsgiving is basically a perfect mix of all three. I also looove the Holidays, so in short, Friendsgiving is an extremely Kate thing. I figured that this season of my life is the most ideal time; working full time (so I have enough money to actually pull it off)  and no school stress. So last week I hosted Friendsgiving dinner.
In Kate fashion, I wanted to go big or go home. And by big, I mean everything had to be *perfect.*  So perfect, I even attempted to make my own fabric napkins. That lasted about ten minutes before I gave up...ain't nobody got time for that. In all honesty, I'm glad I did because the next day I fell in love with a set I saw at World Market (aka the best store ever, second only to Target.) Bonus: There was a matching table runner. You know you're growing up when you get excited about table linens...yet here we are. 

I started planning by scouring Pintrest in search of some yummy recipes. Traditional Friendsgiving involves Turkey and stuffing, but I knew that would be too much for me to handle, so I went with a baked chicken (because it looks like a mini turkey so we still get the effect, amirite?) and mashed potatoes. For drinks I bought the boys some root beer, and for us girls I got two different kinds of sparkling juice...man am I a sucker for cool drinks. I also made some yummy appetizers and a cake for dessert. Simple, festive, and delicious :) 
Now on to the table. As I said, I found some adorable linens at World Market. I got eucalyptus bunches and some festive red berries at Trader Joe's for pretty cheap, and pillar candles on Amazon. The taper candles and sticks are from my mom's stash, as are all the dishes and utensils. Once again, I grabbed some ideas off Pintrest (let's be honest, that's where most of my ideas come from) and set up this super chic, minimalist tablescape. Much pleased, very happy.
The day of, I did all the cooking, cleaning, and setting up in what I like to call "The Domestic Hurricane." My mom was such a help with getting everything done. Moms the the best. Thanks mom :)
I mean I have to include a couple pic cause he's just so dang cute. 

Here are links to the recipes I used--super delish. The mashed potatoes were a H I T . 
Dessert: Buttermilk Spice Cake

After dinner we sat down to watch It's A Wonderful Life, which was basically one or two people actually trying to pay attention and the rest of us making dumb comments. I had plans to take a lot more pictures, but I was so busy prepping beforehand and then once everyone arrived I really wanted to BE in the moment, which meant a lack of photos. But I'm okay with that...Basically it was awesome and I can't wait for next year.

Now on to CHRISTMAS.

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