
thanksgiving 2015

happy thanksgiving everyone!

though the weather was grey, we still had a lot of fun. mainly cause food.

we picked up conner early this morning...like 1 am early. exhausting, but totally worth it. hehe.

after dinner my friend gina came to spend the night. we're getting up early in the morning to hit the sales. it's my first black friday shopping trip, and i'm not gonna lie, i'm irrationally excited. but also terrified that i'll get trampled. either way it should be fun!

i got this dress from the old navy outlet mall, 30% off! it's super comfy, swingy, and loose--perfect for stuffing myself full of delicious food :)

{ dress: old navy / shoes: target / necklace: target}

hope you all had a lovely day!
xoxo, kate

overalls + rose gold

i bit the bullet and bought myself a pair of overalls...

and i love them.

see? they're the best. it's like wearing denim footie pajamas, except this is fashion.

i've been obsessed with gold lately, and more specifically rose gold...good golly. i'm literally a sucker for anything rose gold. it's feminine, modern, and chic. and amazing.

{overalls: mossimo / sweater: mossimo / earrings: target}
