
A Tale of Two Graduations

This year I get to watch two amazing young men graduate--my big brother graduates from college and my boyfriend graduates from high school! Double the graduation means double the fun ;)
Conner's Graduation
I can clearly remember the day Conner left for Ave. It was early in the morning and I cried like a baby because my best friend (albiet royal pain in my ass) was moving some 1400 miles away to Florida. Life eventually settled into the new normal as I assumed my rightful place and became the oldest (*sarcasm* boy was that fun.) When Conner left, my relationship with him changed. He still thought he was better than me, but slowly I realized that we became friends by choice, not just because we lived in the same house so we haaaad to like each other. Then I followed him down to Ave (mwa ha ha, can't get rid of me can you?!) and I experienced some of the same changes he did when he moved out. I like to think we have a much stronger relationship as adults, because the childhood bickering about who gets the last leftover enchilada only comes out when we're both home (which unfortunately is really rare.) Having Conner around for my freshman year and the opportunity to be around for his senior year was one huge pile of blessings. The night before my parents left after orientation, Conner took care of me. When my long distance relationship with Michael hit a rough patch, he was there to calm me down, remind me of my worth, and take me on a late night walk. He drove me to the airport every single time I flew home (which was a lot.) He also did a lot of super annoying older brother things--like yelling at me. Or demanding that I hang out with him. But I still cheered the loudest when he crossed that stage last month. To be honest I probably screamed a little too loud. But what can I say.

Michael's Graduation
Michael and I met at St' Augustine's. We didn't really get to know each other unti high school, and didn't start dating until after I graduated. I still remember all the Mondays spent shooting hoops after math class, and the Shakespeare rehearsals, and the parties and dances and feast days. That's one of the reasons why I have such a soft spot for this place in my heart. No community is perfect, but the amount of sacrifice and love that is required for the school to work is humbling. And as a former student/graduate I can say with full confidence that the curriculum is Not. Easy. At. All. So graduating is definitely an accomplishment to be celebrated! All that being said, going back for Michael's graduation was a weird homecoming. I felt welcomed back into the community, but at the same time still felt out of place. I don't feel like I've grown and changed all that much until I see how others have all grown up and changed. It was such a beautiful day of both reflection on the past and excitement for the future. Growing up is crazy, especially when you look around and see the people in your life growing up as well.

My boys...I love you two and I am so incredibly proud of you. I pray that you two will both continue to grow in love, make wise choices, live with integrity, and mirror Jesus in all you do.

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